Mixing & Matching Colors


Find colors that you enjoy!

This will be your space- so pick what makes you happy.

Designing a space can be difficult with so many options to chose from and how to know what works well together. The first step in this process is to find colors that make you happy. This will be your space, so you want to personally enjoy it! Not everyone has the same colors that work for them, but pick colors that fit your preference. Start by going through your closet to see what color pallet you are already drawn to- it might be warm neutrals or cool tones. Check through Pinterest to see other spaces that catch your eye. You might start to notice a color theme that emerges, so start branching off of it. Also, grab inspiration from other people’s homes you love and what stands out to you.

Next you want to think about how colors make you feel. When choosing colors, consider how you want to feel in your space! Think of the experience that people will have when they walk into the room. Blues and greens can give a sense of peace and calm. Warm browns and creams create a grounding feeling, similar to meditation. Bold contrasts can create striking feelings of excitement or elegance.

Different colors provide different feelings and can set the mood for the space.

Yellows and oranges can bring in light and feelings of happiness.

When designing, always think of the rule of 3s. I find the best rooms are decorated using only three main colors in any one space. This could be a stark black, white, and brown for a strong contrast of light and dark. Also try a vibrant combination of complimentary colors, like green, yellow, and brown or orange, blue, and white. Using three shades of a similar color can also provide a more calming pallet and theme.

Think about textures!

When picking colors and fabrics, keep in mind the power that textures can have in a certain space. Even a monochrome pallet can become unique and interesting when using a mix of linens, weaves, and natural fiber.

Lastly, rules are made to be broken. This will be your space that you want to enjoy and feel creative in, so pick what you like! Mix and match what is visually appealing and interesting to you to make it a room that feels like home. As always- all rules are made to be broken.